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  • Editorial instructions for editing of Pipe Rolls, hg. v. Pipe Roll Society , +. permalink KVK
  • Neuestes geographisch-historisch- und statistische Beschreibung der Königreiche England, Ireland, Schottland und Portugal, Weißenburg. permalink KVK
  • verschiedene Editionen von subsidy rolls englischer Gft aus der ersten Hälfte des 14.Jh.. permalink KVK
  • The Amateur Historian,?? permalink
  • The English Historical Review,?? permalink
  • Chronicles and Documents of Medieval England, c.1150-c.1500, Farmington hills o.J. permalink
  • Church Authority and Power in Medieval and Early Modern England. The Episcopal registers, Farmington Hills o.J. permalink
  • Ecclesiastical Authority in England. Church Court Records, c.1400-c.1600, Farmington Hills o.J. permalink
  • Property and Privilege in Medieval and Early Modern England and Wales. Cartularies from the British Library, London, Farmington Hills o.J. permalink
  • Records of Social and Economic History, N.S.ff.. permalink

  • Comparative Studies in Continental and anglo-amercian Legal Historyff.. permalink
  • Anglia Pontificia. permalink
  • A: Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts - Jewish National and University Library Jerusalem: Manuscript Collections on Microfilm. (aus:Newsletter of the World Union of Jewish Studies Bd.21(1982)S.12-20 (mit Ergaenzung auf Faltblatt)) Jerusalem 1982 S9 permalink KVK
  • A: Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts - Jewish National and University Library Jerusalem: Manuscript Collections on Microfilm. (aus:Newsletter of the World Union of Jewish Studies Bd.21(1982),S.12-20(mit Ergaenzung auf Faltblatt)) Jerusalem 1982 S9 permalink KVK
  • A: READERS' GUIDE TO THE LIBRARY.21.verb.Aufl. Cambridge 1950 S36,Abb1 permalink KVK
  • Jürgen Abeler: Ullstein Uhrenbuch. Eine Kulturgeschichte der Zeitmessung, Berlin-Frankf/M-Wien 1975. permalink KVK
  • A single-sheet facsimile of a diploma of King Ine for Glastonbury, in: The Archaeology and History of Glastonbury Abbey. Essays in Honour of the Ninetieth Birthday of C.A. Ralegh Radford. Ed. Lesley ABRAMS and James P. CARLEY, Woodbridge, Suffolk 1991, S. 97-133. permalink
  • Studies in Early Medieval Coinage, hg. v. Tony Abramson, Bd. 2: New Perspectives, Woodbridge et al. 2011. permalink KVK
  • Studies in Early Medieval Coinage, hg. v. Abramson, Tony , Bd. 1: Two Decades of Discovery, Woodbridge et al. 2008. permalink KVK
  • ABU SHAKER, NEUGEBAUER,Otto ;Bearb.: ABU SHAKER'S "CHRONOGRAPHY". A Treatise of the 13th Century on Chronological,Calendrical,and Astronomical Matters, written by a Christian Arab,preserved in Ethiopic. A Summary. Wien 1988 S198,Tab,Taf,AKAD.WIEN PHIL-HIST.KL.SB Bd.498 permalink KVK

  • ACHAM,Karl: Neuere angelsächsische Theorien zur Geschichte. in:Theorieprobleme der Geschichtswissenschaft,hg.v.Th.Schieder u.K.Graeubig. Darmstadt 1977,Wege d.Forschung Bd.378 S.102-147 permalink
  • Gwenfair Walters Adams: Visions in late medieval England. Lay spirituality and sacred glimpses of the hidden worlds of faith, Leiden [u.a.] 2007 (Studies in the history of Christian traditions 130). permalink KVK
  • ADIE,D.K.: English Bank Deposits before 1844. in:Essays in quantitative economic history,hg.v.Roderick Floud. Oxford 1974,Essays in quantit.econ.history S.166-180,Tab permalink
  • Adrian Ailes: Heraldry in twelfth-century England. The evidence, in: England in the twelfth century, hg. v. Daniel Williams, Woodbridge 1990, S. 1-16. permalink
  • Nat W. Alcock: The Clystwican charter (Clyst St. Mary), in: Transactions of the Devonshire Association 103 (1971), S. 19-24. permalink
  • Neil R. Aldridge: Headcorn, in: Archaeologia Cantiana: Being Contributions to the History and Archaeology of Kent 115 (1995), S. 462-463. permalink
  • Perambulations and boundary descriptions, in: Yorkshire Boundaries. Ed. H.E. Jean LE PATOUREL, Moira H. LONG, and May F. PICKLES. , Leeds 1993, S. 39-51. permalink
  • J.J.G Alexander: Scribes as artists. The arabesque initial in twelfth-century English manuscripts, in: Medieval scribes, London 1978, S. 87-116. permalink
  • Jonathan J. Alexander: Insular Manuscripts 6th to the 9th Century, London 1978 (A Survey of Manuscripts illuminated in the British Isles 1). permalink KVK
  • Martin Allen: Mints and money in medieval England, Cambridge u.a. 2012. permalink KVK

  • David Allen: A fourteenth century divorce in Stoke-by-Nayland, in: Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History 38:1 (1993), S. 1-7. permalink
  • ALTSCHUL,Michael: The Chanceries of the Earls of Gloucester and Other Marcher Lords(XIIIthand XIVth Centuries). in:Landesherrliche Kanzleien im Spätmittelalter. Muenchen 1984,Muench.Beitr.Bd.35/2 S.743-751 permalink
  • AMES,E.: The Sterling Crisis of 1337-1339. in:Essays in quantitative economic history,hg.v.Roderick Floud. Oxford 1974,Essays in quantit.econ.history S.036-058,Tab permalink
  • ANDERSON SMITH, W.: "ACCORDING TO COCKER". The Progress of Penmanship from the Earliest Times. London 1887 permalink KVK
  • Val Gilroy, Lord Annan, Die englische Universität in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, in: Uni gestern und heute, auch: Salzburger Universitätsreden H 51 (1973) , S. 7-22. permalink
  • , Anon.: Hollingbourne, in: Archaeologia Cantiana: Being Contributions to the History and Archaeology of Kent 94 for 1978 (1979), S. 262-263. permalink
  • , Anon.: From the Society's archives No.18, in: West Drayton and District Historian 41 (1972), S. 10-11. permalink
  • ARCHIBALD,Marion M.: Coinage in Andrew Halyburton's Ledger. in:Studies in Numismatic Method. Cambridge 1983,Festschrift Ph.Grierson S.263-301,Abb63,Tab1 permalink
  • ARCHIBALD,Marion M.: England and Ireland,1279-1500. in:A Survey of Numismatic Research 1966-1971,Bd.2:Mediaeval and OrientalNumismatics. New York 1973,Numism.Research 1966-1971 Bd.2 S.176-189 permalink
  • Coinage and history in the North Sea world. C. AD 500 - 1250, hg. v. Marion Archibald u. Barrie Cook, ; essays in honour of Marion Archibald, Leiden [u.a.] 2006 (The Northern world 19). permalink KVK

  • Steven - Andrew Ashley - Rogerson: A Norfolk hundred seal matrix recently found in Kent, in: Norfolk Archaeology: A Journal of Archaeology and Local History 43:1 (1998), S. 180-181. permalink
  • ATKINS,I.: An investigation of two Anglo-Saxon kalendars. (Missal of Robert of Jumieges and St.Wulfstan's homiliary.) in: Archaeo.Bd.078(1928)<=ser2/28>S.000-000 permalink
  • AVRIL,Francois: La decoration des manuscrits dans les abbayes benedictines de Normandie au XIe et au XIIe siecle. in: POSITIONS DES THESES 1963 S.021-028 permalink
  • AYDELOTTE,William O.: A Data Archive for Modern British Political History. in: V.R.Lorwin-J.M.Price,The Dimensions of the Past. New Haven-London 1972,The Dimensions of the Past S.333-359,Tab permalink
  • William O AydelotteJ.H.Korresp. Hexter: Quantification in History, Reading, Mass. 1954 (Addison-Wesley Series in History 350). permalink KVK
  • D. - A. C. Bacchus - Harrison: Ryarsh, in: Archaeologia Cantiana: Being Contributions to the History and Archaeology of Kent 115 (1995), S. 453. permalink
  • BACHRACH,A.G.H.: Constantijn Huygens's Acquaintance with Donne. A Note on Evicence and Conjecture. Amsterdam 1976,Litterae Textuales Bd.3 S.111-117,Taf1 permalink
  • Baedle u. Richard Baedle: English Autograph Writings of the Later Middle Ages. Some Preliminaries, in: Gli autografi medievali. Problemi paleografici e filologici, hg. v. Paolo Chiesa, Lucia Pinelli, Spoleto 1994 (Quaderni di Cultura Mediolatina 5). permalink
  • A.R.H. Baker, Evidence in the Novarum inquisitiones of contracting arable lands in England during the early XIVth century, in: Economic History Review NF 19 (1966) , S. 518-532. permalink
  • Anthony Bale: The Jew in the medieval book. English antisemitisms, 1350 - 1500, Cambridge [u.a.] 2006 (Cambridge studies in medieval literature 60). permalink KVK

  • E. E. Barker: The Bromley charters, in: Archaeologia Cantiana: Being Contributions to the History and Archaeology of Kent 93 for 1977 (1978), S. 179-185. permalink
  • The Letters of Arnulf of Lisieux, hg. v. Frank Barlow, London 1939. permalink KVK
  • BARRACLOUGH,Geoffrey: TENDENZEN DER GESCHICHTE IM 20.JAHRHUNDERT. Muenchen 1971 S295,Beck'sche Schw.Reihe Bd.042 permalink KVK
  • Geoffrey W.S. Barrow: The English Royal Chancery in the earlier 13th century, in: AfD 41 (1995), S. 241-248. permalink
  • Julia S. Barrow: From the lease to the certilficate. The evolution of episcopal acts in England and Wales (c.700-c.1250), in: Die Diplomatik der Bischofsurkunde vor 1250 : La diplomatique épiscopale avant 1250 ; Referate zum VIII. Internationalen Kongreß für Diplomatik Innsbruck, 27. September - 3. Oktober 1993 / hrsg. von Christoph Haidacher und Werner Köfler Innsbruck 1995,, Innsbruck 1995, S. +. permalink
  • The kings of Scotland and Durham, in: Anglo-Norman Durham: 1093-1193. Ed. David ROLLASON, Margaret HARVEY and Michael PRESTWICH, Woodbridge, Suffolk 1994, S. 311-323. permalink
  • Myth, Rulership, Church, and Charters. Essays in Honour of Nicholas Brooks, hg. v. Julia Barrow, Wareham, Andrew , Aldershof, Burlington 2008. permalink KVK
  • Two charters of king Suebred of Essex, in: An Essex Tribute: Essays Presented to Frederick G. Emmison as a Tribute to his Life and Work for Essex History and Archives. Ed. Kenneth NEALE, London 1987, S. 85-96. permalink
  • David Bates: Charters and Historians of Britain and Ireland. Problems and Possibilities, in: Charters and Charter Scholarschip in Britain und Ireland, hg. v. J. Green u.a., Basingstoke u.a. 2005, S. 1-15. permalink
  • Regesta regum Anglo-Normannorum, bearb. v. David Bates, Bd. 1: The Acta of William I (1066-1087), Oxford 1998. permalink KVK

  • David Bates: Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum. The Acta of William I. 1066 - 1087, Oxford1998 permalink KVK
  • The forged charters of William the Conqueror and Bishop William of St Calais, in: Anglo-Norman Durham: 1093-1193. Ed. David ROLLASON, Margaret HARVEY and Michael PRESTWICH, Woodbridge, Suffolk 1994, S. 111-124. permalink
  • David R. Bates: Two Ramsey Abbey writs and the Domesday survey, in: Historical Research: (formerly Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research) 63:152 (1990), S. 337-339. permalink
  • J. D. Bateson: Scottish museums. English coins 1066 - 1279, , Oxford [u.a.] 2001. permalink KVK
  • Giulio Battelli: I transunti di Lione del 1245, in: ders. Scritti scelti, Rom 1975, S. 171-201. permalink
  • Giulio Battelli: Aspetti giuridici ed esigenze scientifiche nella fotografia dei fondi archivistici, in: Archiva Ecclesiae, III-IV (1960), S. 58-76. permalink
  • BAUMGART,Winfried ;Bearb., HUBATSCH,Walter ;Hrsg.: BÜCHERVERZEICHNIS ZUR DEUTSCHEN GESCHICHTE. Hilfsmittel,Handbücher,Quellen. Frankfurt 1971 S168,Ullstein TB Bd.3856,Deutsche Gesch.:Ereign.u.Probleme Bd.14 permalink KVK
  • Robert-Henri Bautier: Les archives. In: Charles Samaran (Hg.) , L'histoire et ses méthodes, Paris1961 , S. 1120-1166 permalink
  • Peter Beal: A Dictionary of English Manuscript Terminology 1450-2000, Oxford 2008. permalink KVK
  • Scribes and transmission in English manuscripts. 1400 - 1700, hg. v. Peter Beal, London 2005 (English manuscript studies 12). permalink KVK

  • Manuscripts and their makers in the English Renaissance, hg. v. Peter Beal, London 2002 (English manuscript studies 11). permalink KVK
  • P. Beal: In Praise of Scribes. Manuscripts and their Makers in Seventeenth-Century England, + 1988. permalink KVK
  • BEAU CHESNE, John de, BAILDON,John: A BOOKE CONTAINING DIVERS SORTES OF HANDS: (Faksimile Amsterdam 1977) London 1602,repr.Amsterdam 1976 permalink KVK
  • Charles Beem: The royal minorities of medieval and early modern England, New York 2008. permalink KVK
  • A. Bell: A seal and a search, in: Archaeologia Cantiana: Being Contributions to the History and Archaeology of Kent 115 (1995), S. 431-442. permalink
  • Patricia Bell: Account Roll for Higham Gobion and Streatley 1379-1382, in: Bedfordshire Historical Record Society Publications 69 (1990), S. 64-123. permalink
  • A.r. Bell u. C. Brooks u. T.k. Moore: Interest in medieval accounts. Examples from England, 1272-1340, in: History 94 (2009), S. 411-433. permalink
  • J.M. Bennett: Women in the Medieval English Countryside, + 1987. permalink KVK
  • BENNETT,H.S.: THE PRICE OF BOOKS IN MEDIEVAL ENGLAND. in: The Library Ser.4/17(1935/36)S.3XX-332 permalink
  • Maurice Beresford: The tax Payer named. A study of documentary sources, in: English Genealogical Congress. Selcted papers given at the congress of 1978 and 1984, London 1986, S. 23-31. permalink

  • Maurice Beresford, The Lost Villages of England, 4. Aufl., London 1963. permalink KVK
  • M. W. Beresford: Lay Subsidies and Poll Taxes, Chichester, England 1963. permalink KVK
  • M. W. Beresford: The poll taxes of 1377, 1379 and 1381, in: The Amateur Historian 3,7 (1958) , S. 271-278. permalink
  • Maurice Beresford u. John G. Hurst: Deserted Medieval Villages, 2. Aufl., New York 1973. permalink KVK
  • Actes colloqui Corona, municips i fiscalitat a la baia Edat Mitjano, hg. v. Prien Bertran, Antoni Furió u. Manuel Sanchez, Luriad Nov. 1995, Lurida 1996. permalink KVK
  • BICK,Wolfgang, MUELLER,Paul J.: HISTORISCHE SOZIALFORSCHUNG 1982 - HISTORICAL SOCIAL RESEARCH 1982. Dokumentation, hg.v.Zentrum fuer Historische Sozialforschung,Koeln, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Informationszentrum Sozialwissenschaften, Bonn. Stuttgart 1983 SXXVIII+266,HSF Bd.16 permalink
  • BICK,Wolfgang, MUELLER,Paul J.: QUANTUM DOKUMENTATION 1978. Historische Sozialforschung - Historical Social Research. Stuttgart 1978 SXXXIV+218,HSF Bd.05 permalink
  • BICK,Wolfgang, MUELLER,Paul J.: QUANTITATIVE HISTORISCHE FORSCHUNG 1977 - QUANTITATIVE HISTORY 1977. Eine Dokumentation der QUANTUM-Erhebung. Stuttgart 1977 SVI+236,HSF Bd.01 permalink KVK
  • BICK,Wolfgang, MUELLER,Paul J.: QUANTITATIVE HISTORISCHE FORSCHUNG 1977 - QUANTITATIVE HISTORY 1977. Eine Dokumentation der QUANTUM-Erhebung. Stuttgart 1977 SVI+236,HSF Bd.01 permalink
  • Melville M. Bigelow: Placita Anglo-Normannica. Law Cases from William I. to Richard I. preserved in Historical Records, Hildesheim u.a. 1974. permalink KVK

  • G. Bilfinger: Die mittelalterlichen Horen und die modernen Stunden. Ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte, [ND 1969], Stuttgart 1892. permalink KVK
  • BILLINGSLEY,Martin: THE PENS EXCELLENCIE. (Faksimile Amsterdam 1977) London 1618,repr.Amsterdam 1976 permalink KVK
  • Günther Binding: Baumeister und Handwerker im Baubetrieb, in: Ornamenta Ecclesiae Bd.1, Köln 1985, S. 171-183,Abb. permalink
  • BIRCH, G. ;Hrsg.: CARTULARIUM SAXONICUM. 3 Bde. London 1885-1893 permalink KVK
  • Daniel Birkholz: The king's two maps. Cartography and culture in thirteenth-century England, New York [u.a.] 2003 (Studies in medieval history and culture 22). permalink KVK
  • BIRRELL,T.A.: The reconstruction of the library of Isaac Casaubon. Amsterdam 1980,Festschrift W.Hellinga S.059-068,Taf1 permalink
  • BISCHOFF,Bernhard: Altfranzoesische Liebesstrophen (spätes XI.Jahrhundert). Stuttgart 1984,Bischoff:Anecdota Novissima S.266-267,Taf1 permalink
  • BISCHOFF,Bernhard: Parodistischer Brief des Priesters Iohannes de Caudatis (um 1470). Stuttgart 1984,Bischoff:Anecdota Novissima S.167-168 permalink
  • Bernhard Bischoff: Deutsche karolingische Skriptorien in den Handschriften des Erzbischofs Laud, in: Manuscripts at Oxford, Oxford 1980, S. 15-18. permalink
  • Bernhard Bischoff: Rez. von Lowe, English Uncial, Oxford 1960, in: ders.: Mittelalterliche Studien, Bd. 2, Stuttgart 1967, S. 328ff. permalink

  • Bernhard Bischoff: Anzeige von E. A. Lowe, English Uncial (Oxford 1960) , Gnomon 34 (1962) 605-615 = ders, Mittelalterliche Studien II, Stuttgart 1967, S. 328-339 permalink
  • BISCHOFF,Bernhard: Aus Alkuins Erdentagen. Stuttgart 1967,Bischoff:Mittelalt.Stud.Bd.2 S.012-019,Taf1 permalink
  • BISCHOFF,Bernhard: Theodulf und der Ire Cadac-Andreas. Stuttgart 1967,Bischoff:Mittelalt.Stud,Bd.2 S.019-025 permalink
  • Bernhard Bischoff: Das karolingische Kalendar der Palimpsesthandschrift Ambros. M. 12 Sup. In: Colligere fragmenta. Fs. Alban Dold, Beuron1952 , S. 247-260 permalink
  • BISCHOFF,Bernhard: Caesar,tantus eras. Stuttgart 1967,Bischoff:Mittelalt.Stud.Bd.2 S.169-174 permalink
  • Bernhard Bischoff/Mildred Budny/Geoffrey Harlow/M. B. Parkes/J. D. Pheifer: Early English manuscripts in facsimile, Bd. 22, 23, 25, Copenhagen/Baltimore1988 /91/93 permalink KVK
  • Terence A. Bishop: English Caroline minuscule, Oxford 1971 (Oxford Palaeographical Handbooks). permalink KVK
  • Terence A.M. Bishop: Scriptores regis. Facsimiles to identify and illustrate the hands of royal scribes in original charters of Henry I, Oxford 1961. permalink KVK
  • David W. Blake: An original bull of Pope Eugenius III, 7th February 1146, in: Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries: A Journal Devoted to the Local History, Archaeology, Biography and Antiquities of the Counties of Devon and Cornwall 34:8 (1981), S. 207-211. permalink
  • BLUNT,C.E.: Privy-marking and the trial of the pyx. in:Studies in Numismatic Method. Cambridge 1983,Festschrift Ph.Grierson S.225-230,Abb6 permalink

  • Christopher Evelyn Blunt: A Penny of the English King Athelstan overstruck on a Cologne Denier, in: LAGOM.Festschrift f.Peter Berghaus zum 60.Geburtstag am 20.Nov.1979, Münster 1981, S. 119-121. permalink
  • BLUNT,C.E.: England,Scotland and Ireland.England Medieval. in:A SURVEY OF NUMISMATIC RESEARCH 1972-1977,Tl.B:Medieval and Modern Numismatics. Bern 1979,Numism.Research 1972-1977 S.271-277 permalink
  • Heinrich Boehmer: Die Fälschungen Erzbischof Lanfranks von Canterbury, Leipzig 1902 (Studien zur Geschichte der Theologie und der Kirche 8,1). permalink KVK
  • Jim L. Bolton: Money in the Medieval English Economy, 973-1489, Manchester 2012 (Manchester Medieval Studies). permalink KVK
  • Barbara Bombi u. Bruce R. O'Brien: Textus Roffensis. Law, language, and libraries in early medieval England, Turnhout 2015 (Studies in the Early Middle Ages (SEM) 30 ). permalink KVK
  • Brother Bonaventure F.S.C.: The Teaching of Latin in Later Medieval England, Mediaeval Studies 23 (1961) 1-20 permalink
  • BOND,John J.: HANDY-BOOK OF RULES AND TABLES for verifying Dates with the Christian Era; Giving an Account of the Chief Eras, and Systems used by various Nations, &c.,&c. London 1889 SXLII+465,Tab permalink KVK
  • E. A. Bond/Edward Maunde Thompson: Facsimiles of ancient charters in the British Museum, 4 Bde., London1873 /78 permalink KVK
  • D. J. Bonney: Two tenth-century Wiltshire charters concerning lands at Avon and at Collingbourne, in: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 64 (1969), S. 56-64. permalink
  • Pierre Bony: Les sceaux des deux sœurs de Beaumont-Leicester, Amicie et Marguerite, au début du treizième siècle, in: Revue française d'héraldique et de sigillographie 60-61 (1990), S. 31-45. permalink

  • BOULTON,Maureeen.: The "Evangile de l'Enfance": text and illustration in Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Selden Supra 38. Scriptorium, Bd.37,1983,54-65,Abb. Pl.8 permalink
  • BOURGAIN,Pascale: Un nouveau manuscrit du texte tronque de la Chronique d'Adhemar de Chabannes. in: BECh Bd.143(1985)S.153-159 permalink
  • Jacques Boussard: Etude de la société en Angleterre et en Normandie aux XIe et XIIe siècles, in: Annuaire de l'Ecole pratique des hautes-études - IVe Section 106 (1974), S. 493-499. permalink
  • Jacques Boussard: Etudes de diplomatique sur les actes des rois anglo-normands, in: Annuaire de l'Ecole pratique des hautes-études - IVe Section 107 (1974), S. 617-620. permalink
  • Jacques Boussard, Norman Illuminations, Oxford 1970. permalink KVK
  • Jacques Boussard: Trois actes d'Henri II Plantagenet relatifs a ses possessions francaises, in: BECh 118 (1960), S. 51-57. permalink
  • BOUSSARD,J.: Influences insulaires dans la formation de l'ecriture gotique in: Scriptorium,Bd.V(1951)S.238-264 permalink
  • BOUSSARD,Jacques: Les mercenaires au XIIe siecle. Henri II Plantagenet et les origines de l'armee de metier. in: BECh Bd.106(1945-1946)S.189-224 permalink
  • Margaret Bowker: Some Archdeacons' Court Books and the Commons' Supplication against the Ordinaries of 1532, in: The Study of Medieval Records, Oxford 1971, S. 282-316. permalink
  • BOWMAN,Alan K., THOMAS,David J.: VINDOLANDA:THE LATIN WRITING-TABLETS. London 1983 S157,Taf15 permalink KVK

  • Mark - Susan Boynton - Reynolds: The author of the Fonthill letter, in: Anglo-Saxon England 25 (1996), S. 91-95. permalink
  • BRADFORD,Richard, SHAW,Mary Lewis: THE PRINTED POEM AND THE READER. Visible Language, vol. 23, no. 1, Winter 1989. Providence 1989 S135 permalink KVK
  • BRAND,J.D.: England and Ireland,1066-1278. in:A Survey of Numismatic Research 1966-1971,Bd.2:Mediaeval and OrientalNumismatics. New York 1973,Numism.Research 1966-1971 Bd.2 S.166-175 permalink
  • The Parliament rolls of Medieval England 1275 - 1504, bearb. v. Paul Brand u. Chris Given-Wilson, 16 Bde., London 2005. permalink KVK
  • Karl Brandi: Urkunden und Akten für rechtsgeschichtliche und diplomatische Vorlesungen und Übungen, 3., verb. Aufl., Berlin u.a. 1932. permalink KVK
  • BRAUDEL,Fernand: L'histoire des civilisations: Le passe explique le present. Paris 1969,Braudel:Ecrits sur l'histoire S.255-314 permalink
  • Katharine Breen: Imagining an English reading public 1150 - 1400, Cambridge u.a. 2010 (Cambridge studies in medieval literature 79). permalink KVK
  • Andrew Breeze: Cardinal Berard of Palestrina and a Shropshire writ of 1060-1061, in: Notes and Queries n.s.42:1 (1995), S. 14-16. permalink
  • Rolf Breitenstein: Großbritannien. England, Wales, Schottland, Mit Beiträgen von Idis Hertmann, Bettina v. Hase u. Karl-Heinz Wocker, 4. durchges. Aufl., Köln 1983 ('Richtig Reisen'). permalink KVK
  • BRENNER,Otto S.: NACHKOMMEN GORMS DES ALTEN (KÖNIG VON DAENEMARK -936-) I.-XVI.Generation. Stuttgart 1965 SXV+477,Taf28,Abb permalink KVK

  • Robert Brentano: Due Chiese. Italia a inghilterra nel XIII secolo, Bologna 1972. permalink KVK
  • Facsimiles of English Episcopal Acta, 1085-1305, hg. v. Martin Brett, David Smith, Philippa Hoskin, Oxford 2011. permalink KVK
  • BRIER,Alan: Content Analysis and Semantic Structures. An Approach using Joint Frequencies of Words. in:Der Computer als Instrument der wiss.Forschung und Lehre.IV.Symposium Salzburg 1984,LBIHS-Arbeitspapiere Nr.01 S.019-032,Tab permalink
  • BRITISH ACADEMY-ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY.COMMITTEE ON ANGLO-SAXON CHARTERS ( ;Hrsg.): GUIDELINES FOR EDITORS.British Academy-Royal Historical Society, Committee on Anglo-Saxon Charters.Oxford 1986,S.1-45. Oxford 1986 S45 permalink KVK
  • BRITISH ACADEMY-ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY.COMMITTEE ON ANGLO-SAXON CHARTERS ( ;Hrsg.): GUIDELINES FOR EDITORS.British Academy-Royal Historical Society, Committee on Anglo-Saxon Charters.Oxford 1986,S.1-45. Oxford 1986 S45 permalink KVK
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