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11 Treffer

  • Gulbrand Alhaug: Fornamn i Noreg fra 1900 til 1975. Med vekt pa endringar i namnemùnsteret, Oslo 2004 (Tromsù-studier i sprakvitenskap 23). permalink KVK
  • Yves Blayo: Name variations in a village in Brie,1750-1860, in: Identifying People in the Past, hg. v. E.A.Wrigley, London 1973, S. 57-63. permalink
  • Jürgen Gerhards: The name game. Cultural modernization and first names, New Brunswick, NJ [u.a.] 2005. permalink KVK
  • David Herlihy: Problems of record linkages in Tuscan fiscal records of the fifteenth cetury, in: Identifying People in the Past, hg. v. E.A.Wrigley, London 1973, S. 41-56. permalink
  • Zsolt Hunyadi: Signs of conversion in early medieval charters, in: Christianizing Peoples and Converting Individuals, hg. v. Guyda Armstrong and Ian N. Wood, Turnhout 2000 (International Medieval Research 7), S. 105-113. permalink
  • Tanneke Schoonheim: Vrouwelijke persoonsnamen in Holland en Zeeland tot her jaar 1300, Groningen 2004. permalink KVK
  • Patricia Skinner: 'And her name was ...?'. Gender and naming in medieval southern Italy, in: Medieval Prosopography: History and Collective Biography 20 (1999), S. 23-49. permalink
  • Mark Skolnick: The resolution of ambiguities in record linkage, in: Identifying People in the Past, hg. v. E.A.Wrigley, London 1973, S. 102-127. permalink
  • Ian Winchester: On referring to ordinary historical persons, in: Identifying People in the Past, hg. v. E.A.Wrigley, London 1973, S. 17-40. permalink

  • Ian Winchester: A brief suvey of the algorithmic, mathematical and philosophical literature relevant to historical record linkage, in: Identifying People in the Past, hg. v. E.A.Wrigley, London 1973, S. 128-150. permalink
  • E.A Wrigley, Roger S. Schofield: Nominal record linkage by computer and the logic of family reconstitution, in: Identifying People in the Past, London 1973, S. 64-101. permalink