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24 Treffer

  • BOULTON,Maureeen.: The "Evangile de l'Enfance": text and illustration in Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Selden Supra 38. Scriptorium, Bd.37,1983,54-65,Abb. Pl.8 permalink
  • Julian Brown: Neil Ripley KER 1908-1982, in: Scrittura e civilità 7 (1983), S. 265-270. permalink
  • BRUCKNER,Albert, MARICHAL,Robert: CHARTAE LATINAE ANTIQUIORES. Facsimile-Edition of the latin charters prior to the ninth century. Dietikon 1967 SXXIII+102,Taf,ChLA Bd.04(Great Britain) permalink
  • BURNARD,Louis: An overview of TOMES. Goettingen 1985,Internat.Workshop Quellenbanken S.069-077,Tab permalink
  • COCKX-INDESTEGE,Elly: Das 'Gepeet puechl extraordinarij' oder Das Stundenbuch des Kaisers Maximilian I. in:ARS IMPRESSORIA. Entstehung und Entwicklung des Buchdrucks. Muenchen-New York 1986,Festgabe Severin Corsten S.231-250 permalink
  • CRASTER,Edmund: HISTORY OF THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY 1845-1945. Oxford 1981 SXI+371,Abb permalink KVK
  • Ralph H. C. Davis: An Oxford charter of 1191 and the beginnings of municipal freedom, in: Oxoniensia 33 for 1968 (1969), S. 53-65. permalink
  • J.M. Flechter u. Chr. A. Upton: The domestic accounts of Merton College Oxford, 1 VIII 1482 - 1 VIII 1494, Oxford 1996 (Oxford Historical Society NS 34). permalink KVK
  • GELLING,Margaret, REED,Michael ;Mitarb.: THE EARLY CHARTERS OF THE THAMES VALLEY. Leicester 1979 S208,Karten,Studies in Early English History Bd.07 permalink KVK

  • T. A. Heslop: The late 12th-century seal of St. Frideswide's Priory, in: Oxoniensia 53 for 1988 (1989), S. 271-274. permalink
  • The Account-Book of Beaulieu Abbey, bearb. v. Stanley Frederick Hockey, London 1975 (Camden Fourth Series 16). permalink KVK
  • Walther Holtzmann: Papsturkunden in England, Bd. 3: Oxford, Cambridge, kleiner Bibliotheken und Archive und Nachträge aus London, Göttingen 1952 (Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen : Philologisch-historische Klasse 3,33). permalink KVK
  • Neil Ripley Ker: Eton College Ms.44 and its Exemplar, in: ders. Books, Collectors and Libraries. Studies in the Medieval Heritage, London-Ronceverte/USA 1972, S. 87-99. permalink
  • N.R Ker: Eton College Ms.44 and its Exemplar, in: Litterae Textuales 1, Amsterdam 1972, S. 48-60. permalink
  • KUECHEMANN,C.F., BOYCE,A.J.: A demographic and genetic study of a group of Oxfordshire villages. in:Applied Historical Studies.An Introductory Reader,hg.v.M.Drake. London 1973,Univ.Paperbacks Bd.0504 S.195-219,Tab permalink
  • Malcolm B. Parkes: Buchversorgung und Buchgebrauch in den Ordenshäusern der Oxforder Universität, in: Der Codex im Gebrauch / hrsg. von Christel Maier u.a.. - München 1996, S. 109-126, + 1996. permalink
  • M.B Parkes: Books and aids to scholarship of the Oxford friars, in: R.W.Hunt Memorial exhibition, Oxford 1980, S. 57-60. permalink
  • Medieval Scribes, Manuscripts & Libraries. Essays Presented to N. R. Ker (1908-1982), hg. v. Malcolm B. Parkes u. Andrew G. Watson, London 1978. permalink KVK
  • Facsimiles of Charters in Oxford Muniment Rooms, hg. v. H.E. Salter, Oxford 1929. permalink KVK

  • Cartulary of the Hospital of St. John, hg. v. H.E. Salter, Oxford 1914 (Oxford Historical Society Ser. 64). permalink KVK
  • Catalogue of dated and datable manuscipts c. 435 - 1600 in the Department of manuscripts in Oxford Libraries, hg. v. A. Watson, London 1984. permalink KVK
  • WATSON,Andrew G.: Thomas Allen of Oxford and his manuscripts(Appendix:Thomas Allen's MSS.) London 1978,Medieval scribes S.279-314,Taf3 permalink
  • Beiträge zum Berufsbewußtsein des mittelalterlichen Menschen, hg. v. Paul Wilpert u. Willehad Paul ;Mitarb. Eckert, Berlin 1964 (Miscellanea mediaevalia 3). permalink KVK
  • C. M. Woolgar: Two cartularies at Magdalen College, Oxford, in: Journal of the Society of Archivists 6:8 (1981), S. 498-499. permalink