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Bibliographischen Datenbank Historische Grundwissenschaften

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4 Treffer

  • John Bradley u. Harold Short: Texts into databases. The Evolving field of New-style Prosopography, in: LLC 20, suppl. 1 (2005), S. 3-24. permalink
  • Ariana Ciula, Paul Spence: Threads of Integration. The Anglo-Saxon Charters pilot project at the Centre for Computing in the Humanities, in: Digitale Diplomatik, Neue Technologien in der Historischen historischen Arbeit mit Urkunden, hg. v. Georg Vogeler, Köln u.a. 2009 (AfD Beiheft 12), S. 40-55. permalink
  • Francesca Tinti: The Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England. Facts and Factoids, in: Prosopography: Approaches and Applications, a handbook, hg. v. K.S.B. Keats-Rohan, Oxford 2007 (Prosopographica et genealogica 13), S. 197-209. permalink
  • Francesca Tinti: The Anonymous Life of St. Cuthbert and the Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England Database. An Exercise in Data Capturing, in: Medieval Prosopography 22 (2001), S. 127-140. permalink