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19 Treffer

  • Peter Becker: Formen und Möglichkeiten der Standardisierung bei Metaquellen, in: Datennetze für die historischen Wissenschaften, hg. v. F. Hausmann, R. Haertel, I.H. Kropac u. P. Becker, Graz 1987, S. 18-27. permalink
  • Yves Blayo: Name variations in a village in Brie,1750-1860, in: Identifying People in the Past, hg. v. E.A.Wrigley, London 1973, S. 57-63. permalink
  • The use of historical and process-produced Data, hg. v. Jerome M Clubb u. Erwin K. Scheuch, Stuttgart 1980 (HSR 6). permalink KVK
  • George A Collier u. David ;Mitarb. Wyeth: The Kinprogram. a Package of Pl/1 Programs for the Processing of Genealogical Censuses, Stanford Univ. 1974. permalink KVK
  • David Croft: Improving record matching in imprecise and ancertain datasets, in: LLC 27,4 (2012), S. 347-354. permalink
  • John De Vries: Problems in Handling Process-Produced Data, in: Historical Social Research.The Use of Historical and Process-ProducedData, hg.v.J.M.Clubb u.E.K.Scheuch, Stuttgart 1980 (HSF 6), S. 431-443. permalink
  • I.P. Fellegi u. A.B. Sunter: A Theory of Record Linkage, in: Journal of the American Statistical Asociation 64 (1969), S. 1183-1210. permalink
  • HAHN,Sylvia, SPRENGNAGEL,Gerald: Nominative Record Linkage aus Massenquellen des 19.Jahrhunderts.Aufbau und Dokumentation der Datenbank "Wiener Neustadt im Industriezeitalter".in:DATENNETZE FUER DIE HISTORISCHEN WISSENSCHAFTEN,hg.v.F.Hausmann, R.Haertel,I.H.Kropac u.P.Becker. Graz 1987,Datennetze f.d.Hist.Wissensch.S.113-128,Tab permalink
  • David Herlihy: Problems of record linkages in Tuscan fiscal records of the fifteenth cetury, in: Identifying People in the Past, hg. v. E.A.Wrigley, London 1973, S. 41-56. permalink

  • Theodore Hershberg: Interdisciplinary Research at the Philadelphia Social History Project. Analytic Goals,Data and Data Manipulation Strategies for the Study of the Nineteenth-Century Industrial Social Research.TheUse of Historical and Process-Produced D, in: Historical Social Research.The Use of Historical and Process-Produced Data, hg. v. J.M. Clubb u. E.K. Scheuch, Stuttgart 1980 (HSF 6), S. 84-111. permalink
  • HERSHBERG,Theodore, BURSTEIN,Alan: Verkettung von Daten. Record Linkage am Beispiel des Philadelphia SocialHistory Project. Stuttgart 1979,HSF Bd.08 S.035-072,Tab permalink
  • OLDERVOLL,Jan: How to "Internationalize" the 1801-Census of Norway or A proposal for anInternational Standard for Census Type Data. in:DATENNETZE FUER DIE HISTORISCHEN WISSENSCHAFTEN, hg.v.F.Hausmann,R.Haertel,I.H.Kropac u.P.Becker. Graz 1987,Datennetze f.d.Hist.Wissensch.S.185-193,Tab permalink
  • Mark Skolnick: The resolution of ambiguities in record linkage, in: Identifying People in the Past, hg. v. E.A.Wrigley, London 1973, S. 102-127. permalink
  • Ian Winchester: Priorities for Record Linkage. A Theoretical and Practical Checklist, in: Historical Social Research.The Use of Historical and Process-ProducedData, hg.v.J.M.Clubb u.E.K.Scheuch, Stuttgart 1980 (HSF 6), S. 414-430. permalink
  • Ian Winchester: On referring to ordinary historical persons, in: Identifying People in the Past, hg. v. E.A.Wrigley, London 1973, S. 17-40. permalink
  • Ian Winchester: A brief suvey of the algorithmic, mathematical and philosophical literature relevant to historical record linkage, in: Identifying People in the Past, hg. v. E.A.Wrigley, London 1973, S. 128-150. permalink
  • W. Winkler: String comparator metrics and enhanced decision rules on the fellegi-sunter model of record linkage, in: Proceedings of the Section on Servey Research Methods, Washington D.C. 1990, S. 354-359. permalink
  • Identifying People in the Past, hg. v. Edward A. Wrigley, London 1973. permalink KVK
  • E.A Wrigley, Roger S. Schofield: Nominal record linkage by computer and the logic of family reconstitution, in: Identifying People in the Past, London 1973, S. 64-101. permalink