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27 Treffer

  • Jonathan J. Alexander: Insular Manuscripts 6th to the 9th Century, London 1978 (A Survey of Manuscripts illuminated in the British Isles 1). permalink KVK
  • BAUER,Gerd: CORVEY ODER HILDESHEIM ? Zur ottonischen Buchmalerei in Nordeutschland. Diss.phil.Hamburg 1974. 2 Bde. Hamburg 1977 S346+CXCII/410+Falttab. permalink KVK
  • BISCHOFF,Bernhard: Parodistischer Brief des Priesters Iohannes de Caudatis (um 1470). Stuttgart 1984,Bischoff:Anecdota Novissima S.167-168 permalink
  • Bernhard Bischoff: Deutsche karolingische Skriptorien in den Handschriften des Erzbischofs Laud, in: Manuscripts at Oxford, Oxford 1980, S. 15-18. permalink
  • BOULTON,Maureeen.: The "Evangile de l'Enfance": text and illustration in Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Selden Supra 38. Scriptorium, Bd.37,1983,54-65,Abb. Pl.8 permalink
  • BRUCKNER,Albert, MARICHAL,Robert: CHARTAE LATINAE ANTIQUIORES. Facsimile-Edition of the latin charters prior to the ninth century. Dietikon 1967 SXXIII+102,Taf,ChLA Bd.04(Great Britain) permalink
  • CALLARD D.M.: Miss.D.M.Callard's facsimiles of initials. Oxford 1980,Manuscripts at Oxford S.024-026,Taf1 permalink
  • COCKX-INDESTEGE,Elly: Das 'Gepeet puechl extraordinarij' oder Das Stundenbuch des Kaisers Maximilian I. in:ARS IMPRESSORIA. Entstehung und Entwicklung des Buchdrucks. Muenchen-New York 1986,Festgabe Severin Corsten S.231-250 permalink
  • CRASTER,Edmund: HISTORY OF THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY 1845-1945. Oxford 1981 SXI+371,Abb permalink KVK

  • DEROLEZ,Albert: Pan et Circenses.The Reading of Juvenal in the School of the Ghent Hieronymites in the Fiftheenth Century. Berlin-New York 1988,De captu lectoris S.105-115 permalink
  • FOOT,Mirjam M.: Monasteries and dragons.A selection of Dutch and Flemish bindings of thelate fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries in the British Library, Cambridge University Library and the Bodleian Library,Oxford. Amsterdam 1980,Festschrift W.Hellinga S.193-204,Taf2 permalink
  • The Account-Book of Beaulieu Abbey, bearb. v. Stanley Frederick Hockey, London 1975 (Camden Fourth Series 16). permalink KVK
  • KER,Neil Ripley: From 'Above top line' to 'Below Top Line':A Change in Scribal Practice, in: BOOKS,COLLECTORS AND LIBRARIES. Studies in the Medieval Heritage. aus:Celtica,v(1960),13-16. London-Ronceverte/USA 1985,Ker:Books Collectors & Librar.S.071-074 permalink
  • KER,Neil Ripley: The Date of the 'Tremulous' Worcester Hand, in: BOOKS,COLLECTORS AND LIBRARIES. Studies in the Medieval Heritage. aus:Leeds Studies in English,vi(1937),28-29. London-Ronceverte/USA 1985,Ker:Books Collectors & Librar.S.067-069,Taf permalink
  • KRAEMER,Sigrid: Die Bibliothek von Ranshofen im fruehen und hohen Mittelalter. in:The Role of the Book in Medieval Culture,hg.P.Ganz,Bd.2. Turnhout 1986,Bibliologia Bd.04 S.041-072,Abb permalink
  • KRAEMER,Sigrid: Eine weitere Handschrift aus Tegernsee in der Bibliotheca Bodleiana in Oxford (MS.Lyell 57). in: CODICES MANUSCRIPTI Jg.01(1975)S.084-088 permalink
  • LAPIDGE,M.: The revival of Latin learning in late Anglo-Saxon England. Oxford 1980,Manuscripts at Oxford S.019-022,Taf2 permalink
  • LOWE,Elias Avery: Regula S.Benedicti:Specimina Selecta e Codice Antiquissimo Oxoniensi. Introduction. Oxford 1972,Lowe Palaeographical Papers S.277-288,Taf6 permalink
  • LOWE,Elias Avery: An Eighth-Century List of Books in a Bodleian Manuscript from Wuerzburg and its probable Relation to the Laudian Acts. Oxford 1972,Lowe Palaeographical Papers S.239-250,Taf3 permalink

  • Elias Avery Lowe u. Neil Ripley Ker: A New Fragment of Arator in the Bodleian, in: Lowe: Palaeographical Papers, Oxford 1972, S. 345-347. permalink
  • MARE, la ;Hrsg., BARKER-BENFIELD,B.C. ;Hrsg.: MANUSCRIPTS AT OXFORD.A exhibition in memory of Richard William Hunt (1908-1979),Keeper of Western Manuscripts at the Bodleian Library Oxford,1945-1975,on themes selected and described by some of his friends. Oxford 1980 SX+155,Taf109 permalink KVK
  • Thomas Martin: Bemerkungen zur 'Epistola de litteris colendis', in: AfD 31 (1985), S. 227-272. permalink
  • PARSONS,P.J.: Latin papyri. Oxford 1980,Manuscripts at Oxford S.003-008,Taf permalink
  • TRABUT-CUSSAC,Jean-Paul: Le Livre d'Agenais. A propos d'une publication recente. in: BECh Bd.115(1957)S.179-189 permalink
  • VANDER MEIREN,Wim: Essai de reconstitution d'une collection homiletique chrysostomienne. Remarques sur le Bodleianus Holkhamicus gr.30. in: Scriptorium Bd.39(1985)S.105-109,Taf1 permalink
  • VEYRIN-FORRER,Jeanne: Les Reserves (livres imprinmes). (aus:Conservation et mise en valeur des fonds anciens rares et precieux des bibliotheques francaises,Villeurbanne 1983,S.65-82) in:J.Veyrin-Forrer,LA LETTRE ET LE TEXTE.Trente annees de recherches... Paris 1987,Coll.E.Norm.Sup.J.Filles Bd.34 S.369-392,Abb permalink
  • WATSON,Andrew G.: Thomas Allen of Oxford and his manuscripts(Appendix:Thomas Allen's MSS.) London 1978,Medieval scribes S.279-314,Taf3 permalink