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Bibliographischen Datenbank Historische Grundwissenschaften

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6 Treffer

  • BARGE,Sylvia J.Vorw.: OSIRIS III.An integrated collection of computer programs for the manage-ment and analysis of social sciences data. Bd.2: ERROR MESSAGES. Ann Arbor 1973 SVIII+212,Tab permalink KVK
  • BARGE,Sylvia J.Vorw.: OSIRIS III.An integrated collection of computer programs for the manage-ment and analysis of social sciences data. Bd.4: SAMPLE JOBS Ann Arbor 1973 SVIII+717+Suppl.,Tab permalink KVK
  • BARGE,Sylvia J.Vorw.: OSIRIS III.An integrated collection of computer programs for the manage-ment and analysis of social sciences data. Bd.3: SUMMARY OF CONTROL CARDS Ann Arbor 1973 SVIII+188,Tab permalink KVK
  • BARGE,Sylvia J.Vorw., MARKS,Gregory A.Vorw.: OSIRIS III.An integrated collection of computer programs for the manage-ment and analysis of social sciences data. Ann Arbor 1973 permalink KVK
  • Sylvia J.Vorw Barge u. Gregory A.Vorw. Marks: Osiris IIII. An Integrated Collection of Computer Programs for the Management and Analysis of Social Sciences Data, Bd. 1: System and Program Description, Ann Arbor 1973. permalink KVK
  • JARAUSCH,Konrad H., ARMINGER,Gerhard: QUANTITATIVE METHODEN DER GESCHICHTSWISSENSCHAFT. Eine Einfuehrung in die Forschung,Datenverarbeitung und Statistik. Darmstadt 1985 SX+211,Tab,Die Geschichtswiss. permalink KVK