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23 Treffer

  • Sven Tito Achen: La similarisation. Un cote oublie des études heraldiques, in: Genealogica et Heraldica Bd. 1, Genealogica et Heraldica Bd1 1970, S. 329-340. permalink
  • BISCHOFF,Bernhard: Aus Alkuins Erdentagen. Stuttgart 1967,Bischoff:Mittelalt.Stud.Bd.2 S.012-019,Taf1 permalink
  • Janet E. Burton: English episcopal acta, Bd. V: York 1070 - 1154, London 1988. permalink KVK
  • Mary G. Cheney: Some observations on a papal privilege of 1120 for the archbishops of York, in: Journal of Ecclesiastical History 31:4 (1980), S. 429-439. permalink
  • Christopher R. Cheney: Handbook of Dates for Students of English History, London 1955 (Royal Historical Society / Guides and Handbooks 4). permalink KVK
  • Christopher Robert Cheney: English Bishop's Chanceries 1100-1250, Manchester 1950. permalink KVK
  • Christopher R Cheney, W.H. Semple: Selected Letters of Pope Innocent iii Concerning England (1198-1216), London-Edinburgh 1953. permalink KVK
  • The use of seals as decoration on medieval pottery and bronze vessels, in: Everyday and Exotic Pottery from Europe c. 650-1900: Studies in Honour of John G. Hurst. Ed. David GAIMSTER and Mark REDKNAP, Oxford 1992, S. 59-65. permalink
  • DAVIES,Robert: ON THE STATISTICS OF YORK IN THE 13TH AND 14TH CENTURIES. in:Proceedings of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society Bd.1(1855),S.2-27 (March,1847). Proc.Yorkshire Ph.Soc.Bd.01(1855)S.02-27 permalink

  • P.J.P. Goldberg: Women, work and life cycle in a medieval economy. Women in York and Yorkshire c. 1300-1520, Oxford 1992. permalink KVK
  • Diana E. Greenaway: A lost cartulary of St. Leonard's Hospital, York, in: Yorkshire Archaeological Journal 42:166 (1968), S. 178-180. permalink
  • Florence E. Harmer: Anglo-Saxon Writs, Manchester 1952. permalink KVK
  • HUMPHREYS,Kenneth W.: The Early Medieval Library. in: Paläographie 1981. Muenchen 1982,Muench.Beitr.Bd.32 S.059-070 permalink
  • KER,Neil Ripley: The Handwriting of Archibishop Wulfstan, in: BOOKS, COLLECTORS AND LIBRARIES. Studies in the Medieval Heritage. aus:England before the Conquest: Studies in Primary Sources Presented toDorothy Whitelock,Cambridge 1971, pp.315-331. London-Ronceverte/USA 1985,Ker:Books Collectors & Librar.S.009-020,Taf, permalink
  • English episcopal acta, hg. v. Marie Lovatt, Bd. 20: York 1154-1181, London (u.a.) 2000. permalink KVK
  • MINNIS,A.J. ;Hrsg.: LATIN AND VERNACULAR. Studies in Late-Medieval Texts and Manuscripts. Proceedings of the 1987 York Manuscripts Conference. Cambridge 1989 SVII+155,York manus.con.proc.ser.vol.01 permalink KVK
  • NORH,J. J.: ENGLISH HAMMERED COINAGE. Vol.1: Early Anglo-Saxon - Henry III c.650-1272. London 1963 S200,Taf16,Abb permalink KVK
  • NORH,J. J.: ENGLISH HAMMERED COINAGE. Vol.2: Edward I to Charles II 1272-1662. London 1960 S183,Taf10,Abb permalink KVK
  • Purvis, Notarial signs from the York archiepiscopal records, London 1957. permalink KVK

  • The foundation of chantries in the chapel of St William on Ouse Bridge, York, in: The Church in Medieval York: Records Edited in Honour of Professor Barrie Dobson. Ed. David M. SMITH, York 1999 (Borthwick Texts and Calendars 24), S. 51-68. permalink
  • Keith J. Stringer: A twelfth-century 'Scottish' charter concerning Yorkshire, in: Yorkshire Archaeological Journal 61 (1989), S. 35-40. permalink
  • THOMSON,R.M.: The Norman Conquest and English Libraries. in:The Role of the Book in Medieval Culture,hg.P.Ganz,Bd.2. Turnhout 1986,Bibliologia Bd.04 S.027-040 permalink
  • Jean Vezin: Les relations entre Saint-Denis et d'autres scriptoria pendant le haut Moyen Age, in: The Role of the Book in Medieval Culture,hg.v.P.Ganz,Bd.1, Turnhout 1986, S. 17-39. permalink