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7 Treffer

  • Patricia Bell: Account Roll for Higham Gobion and Streatley 1379-1382, in: Bedfordshire Historical Record Society Publications 69 (1990), S. 64-123. permalink
  • The Poll Taxes of 1377, 1379 and 1381, bearb. v. Carolyn C. Fenwick, Part I: Bedfordshire-Leicestershire, Oxford, New York 1998 (Records of Social and Economic History, N.S. 27). permalink KVK
  • A.T. Gaydon: The taxation of 1297. A translation of the local rolls for Barford, Biggleswade und Flittdundres+ and for Bedford, Dunstable, Leighton Buzzard and Luton (Publication of the Bedfordshire historical Record Society 39) , + 1939. permalink KVK
  • Two Bedfordshire subsidy lists 1309 and 1332, bearb. v. Sydenham Hery August Hervey (Suffolk Green Books 18) , + 1925. permalink KVK
  • The Accounts of the Guild of the Holy Trinity, Luton, 1526/7-1546/7, bearb. v. Barbara Tearle, Woodbridge 2012 (The Publications of the Bedfordshire Historical Record Society 91). permalink KVK
  • John Stevenson Thompson: The Hundred Rolls of 1274 and 1279, in: Bedfordshire Historical Record Society Publications 69 (1990), S. 3-63. permalink
  • Kevin - John Stevenson Ward - Thompson: Eggington Manor Court Rolls 1297-1527, in: Bedfordshire Historical Record Society Publications 69 (1990), S. 184-228. permalink