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Bibliographischen Datenbank Historische Grundwissenschaften

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Suche nach schlagwort_ID=24015;

8 Treffer

  • Christopher R. Cheney: Handbook of Dates for Students of English History, London 1955 (Royal Historical Society / Guides and Handbooks 4). permalink KVK
  • HART,C.R.: THE EARLY CHARTERS OF NOTHERN ENGLAND AND NORTH MIDLANDS. Leicester 1975 S422,Taf1,Studies in Early English History Bd.06 permalink KVK
  • Anne Lawrence-Mathers: Manuscripts in Northumbria in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries, London 2003. permalink KVK
  • LOWE,Elias Avery: A Sixth-Century Italian Unical Fragment of Maccabees and its Eighth- Century Northumbrian Copy. Oxford 1972,Lowe Palaeographical Papers S.475-476 permalink
  • LOWE,Elias Avery: The Script of the Farewell and Date Formulae in Early Papal Documents. Oxford 1972,Lowe Palaeographical Papers S.450-458,Taf2 permalink
  • LOWE,Elias Avery: A Key to Bede's Scriptorium: Some Observations on the Leningrad Manuscript of the "Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum". Oxford 1972,Lowe Palaeographical Papers S.441-449,Taf5 permalink
  • LOWE,Elias Avery: The Uncial Gospel Leaves Attached to the Utrecht Psalter. Oxford 1972,Lowe Palaeographical Papers S.385-388,Taf2 permalink
  • NORH,J. J.: ENGLISH HAMMERED COINAGE. Vol.1: Early Anglo-Saxon - Henry III c.650-1272. London 1963 S200,Taf16,Abb permalink KVK