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8 Treffer

  • The Letters of Arnulf of Lisieux, hg. v. Frank Barlow, London 1939. permalink KVK
  • The English royal chancery in the thirteenth century, in: Ecrit et pouvoir dans les chancelleries médiévales: Espace français, espace anglais. Actes du colloque international de Montréal, 7-9 septembre 1995. Ed. Kouky FIANU and DeLloyd J. GUTH, Louvain-la-Neuve 1997 (Textes et études du Moyen Age 6), S. 25-53. permalink
  • A. I. Doyle: The Production of Copies of the Canterbury Tales and the Confessio Amantis in the Early Fifteenth Century, in: Medieval Scribes, Manuscripts & Libraries : Essays presented to N.R. Ker, hrsg. v. M.B Parkes and Andrew G. Watson. -London, 1979. -S. 163-210 (o.J.). permalink
  • FINBERG,H.P.R.: THE EARLY CHARTERS OF THE WEST MIDLANDS. 2.Aufl. Leicester 1972 S263,Studies in Early English History Bd.02,Karte permalink KVK
  • Mirjam Foot u. Christopher D. Cook: Incunabula in the Westminster Abbey and Westminster School libraries, London 2013. permalink KVK
  • Florence E. Harmer: Anglo-Saxon Writs, Manchester 1952. permalink KVK
  • P.H. Sawyer: Anglo-Saxon Charters. An annotated list and bibliography, London 1968 (Royal Historical Society / Guides and Handbooks 8). permalink KVK
  • VEYRIN-FORRER,Jeanne: Caxton et la France. (engl.Fassung "Caxton and France"in:Papers the Caxton Internat. Congress,Journal of the Printing Hist.Society Bd.11(1976/77),S.33-47) in:J.Veyrin-Forrer,LA LETTRE ET LE TEXTE.Trente annees de recherches Paris 1987,Coll.E.Norm.Sup.J.Filles Bd.34 S.237-253 permalink