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Bibliographischen Datenbank Historische Grundwissenschaften

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6 Treffer

  • Ralph H. C. Davis: An Oxford charter of 1191 and the beginnings of municipal freedom, in: Oxoniensia 33 for 1968 (1969), S. 53-65. permalink
  • I. M. W. Harvey: Some Bampton letters of the late fifteenth and early sixteenth century, in: Oxoniensia 56 (1991), S. 111-118. permalink
  • T. A. Heslop: The late 12th-century seal of St. Frideswide's Priory, in: Oxoniensia 53 for 1988 (1989), S. 271-274. permalink
  • Della Hooke: Anglo-Saxon estates in the Vale of the White Horse, in: Oxoniensia 52 (1987), S. 129-143. permalink
  • David A. Postles: Securing the gift in Oxfordshire charters in the twelfth and early thirteenth centuries, in: Archives: The Journal of the British Records Association 19:84 (1990), S. 183-191. permalink
  • C. M. Woolgar: Two cartularies at Magdalen College, Oxford, in: Journal of the Society of Archivists 6:8 (1981), S. 498-499. permalink