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Bibliographischen Datenbank Historische Grundwissenschaften

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9 Treffer

  • Geoffrey Barraclough: Facsimiles of early cheshire carters, Oxford 1957. permalink KVK
  • David J. F. Crouch: The administration of the Norman earldom, in: Journal of the Chester Archaeological Society 71 (1991), S. 69-95. permalink
  • Ralph H. C. Davis: Geoffrey Barraclough and the lure of medieval charters, in: Journal of the Chester Archaeological Society 71 (1991), S. 23-34. permalink
  • Judith A. Green: Earl Ranulf II and Lancashire, in: Journal of the Chester Archaeological Society 71 (1991), S. 97-108. permalink
  • T. A. Heslop: The seals of the twelfth-century earls of Chester, in: Journal of the Chester Archaeological Society 71 (1991), S. 179-197. permalink
  • John Hudson: Diplomatic and legal aspects of the charters, in: Journal of the Chester Archaeological Society 71 (1991), S. 153-178. permalink
  • Alan T. Thacker: The earls and their earldom, in: Journal of the Chester Archaeological Society 71 (1991), S. 7-22. permalink
  • A. C. Thomson: The annual eyre of the justice of Chester, c. 1300-1450, in: Journal of the Chester Archaeological Society 73 for 1994-1995 (1998), S. 63-85. permalink
  • Teresa Webber: The scribes and handwriting of the original charters, in: Journal of the Chester Archaeological Society 71 (1991), S. 137-151. permalink