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29 Treffer

  • J.J.G Alexander: Scribes as artists. The arabesque initial in twelfth-century English manuscripts, in: Medieval scribes, London 1978, S. 87-116. permalink
  • The Letters of Arnulf of Lisieux, hg. v. Frank Barlow, London 1939. permalink KVK
  • Bernhard Bischoff: Anzeige von E. A. Lowe, English Uncial (Oxford 1960) , Gnomon 34 (1962) 605-615 = ders, Mittelalterliche Studien II, Stuttgart 1967, S. 328-339 permalink
  • Heinrich Boehmer: Die Fälschungen Erzbischof Lanfranks von Canterbury, Leipzig 1902 (Studien zur Geschichte der Theologie und der Kirche 8,1). permalink KVK
  • English Episcopal Acta, hg. v. Martin Brett u. Joseph A. Gribbin, Bd. 28: Canterbury 1070-1136, Oxford 2004. permalink KVK
  • BROOKS,N.P.: The Pre-Conquest Charters of Christ Church, Canterbury. Diss.phil.Oxford 1969(unpubl.) Oxford 1969 permalink KVK
  • BRUCKNER,Albert, MARICHAL,Robert: CHARTAE LATINAE ANTIQUIORES. Facsimile-Edition of the latin charters prior to the ninth century. Dietikon 1967 SXXIII+102,Taf,ChLA Bd.04(Great Britain) permalink
  • Jörg W. Busch: 'Landulfi Senioris Historia Mediolanensis' - Überlieferung, Datierung und Intention, in: DA 45 (1989), S. 1-30. permalink
  • Christopher R. Cheney: On the acta of Theobald and Thomas, archbishops of Canterbury, in: Journal of the Society of Archivists 6:8 (1981), S. 467-481. permalink

  • Christopher Robert Cheney: English Bishop's Chanceries 1100-1250, Manchester 1950. permalink KVK
  • Christopher R Cheney, W.H. Semple: Selected Letters of Pope Innocent iii Concerning England (1198-1216), London-Edinburgh 1953. permalink KVK
  • A. I. Doyle: The Production of Copies of the Canterbury Tales and the Confessio Amantis in the Early Fifteenth Century, in: Medieval Scribes, Manuscripts & Libraries : Essays presented to N.R. Ker, hrsg. v. M.B Parkes and Andrew G. Watson. -London, 1979. -S. 163-210 (o.J.). permalink
  • Christ Church Canterbury's Anglo-Norman cartulary, in: Anglo-Norman Political Culture and the Twelfth-Century Renaissance: Proceedings of the Borchard Conference on Anglo-Norman History, 1995. Ed. C. Warren HOLLISTER, Woodbridge, Suffolk 1997, S. 83-155. permalink
  • Marie-Odile Garrigues: Honorius Augustodunensis et la Summa gloria, in: Positions des thèses (1967), S. 39-46. permalink
  • Jean-Philippe Genet: Cartulaires, registres et histoire. Ll'exemple anglais, in: Le metier d'historien au moyen âge, hg. v. B. Guenee, Paris 1977 (Publications de la Sorbonne / Série Etudes 13), S. 95-138. permalink
  • Florence E. Harmer: Anglo-Saxon Writs, Manchester 1952. permalink KVK
  • The conventual seals of Canterbury Cathedral, 1066-1232, in: Medieval Art and Architecture at Canterbury before 1220. Ed. Nicola COLDSTREAM and Peter DRAPER., London-Canterbury 1982 (British Archaeological Assocation Conference Transactions 5), S. 94-100. permalink
  • Cecil R. Humphery-Smith: Heraldry Associated With the Martyrdom of Archbishop Thomas Becket, in: Genealogica et Heraldica 1, Wien 1970, S. 371-375. permalink
  • Susan Elisabeth Kelly: Some forgeries in the archive of St. Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury, in: Fälschungen im Mittelalter IV, München 1988 - 1988, S. IV:347-369. permalink

  • Neil Ripley Ker: Copying an Exemplar. Two Manuscripts of Jerome on Habakkuk, zuerst: aus:Miscellanea Codicologica F.Masai Dicata,(Story-Scientia, Ghent,1979), S. 203-210, in: ders., Books, Collectors and Libraries. Studies in the Medieval Heritage, London-Ronceverte/USA 1985, S. 75-86. permalink
  • LOWE,Elias Avery: Regula S.Benedicti:Specimina Selecta e Codice Antiquissimo Oxoniensi. Introduction. Oxford 1972,Lowe Palaeographical Papers S.277-288,Taf6 permalink
  • NORH,J. J.: ENGLISH HAMMERED COINAGE. Vol.1: Early Anglo-Saxon - Henry III c.650-1272. London 1963 S200,Taf16,Abb permalink KVK
  • Jürgen Petersohn: Jubiläumsfrömmigkeit vor dem Jubelablaß. Jubeljahr, Reliquientranslation und 'remissio' in Bamberg (1189) und Canterbury (1220), in: DA 45 (1989), S. 31ff.. permalink
  • P.H. Sawyer: Anglo-Saxon Charters. An annotated list and bibliography, London 1968 (Royal Historical Society / Guides and Handbooks 8). permalink KVK
  • Anton Scharer: Die Angelsächsische Königsurkunde im 7. und 8. Jahrhundert, Wien, Köln, Graz 1982 (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für österreichische Geschichtsforschung 26). permalink KVK
  • F. M. Stenton: The latin charters of the Anglo-Saxon Period, Oxford 1955. permalink KVK
  • THOMSON,R.M.: The Norman Conquest and English Libraries. in:The Role of the Book in Medieval Culture,hg.P.Ganz,Bd.2. Turnhout 1986,Bibliologia Bd.04 S.027-040 permalink
  • VERFAILLIE-MARKEY,Dominique: Deux inscriptions grattees dans le psautier d'Eadwine (Ms.Cambridge,Tri-nity College,R.17.1). in: Scriptorium Bd.39(1985)S.097-102,Taf1 permalink
  • K. P. Witney: The period of Mercian rule in Kent, and a charter of A.D.811, in: Archaeologia Cantiana: Being Contributions to the History and Archaeology of Kent 104 for 1987 (1988), S. 87-113. permalink