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56 Treffer

  • R. C. Alston: Handlist of Library Catalogues and Lists of Books and Manuscripts in the British Library Department of Manuscripts, London1991 (Occasional Papers of the Bibliographical Society 6) permalink KVK
  • , Anon.: From the Society's archives No.18, in: West Drayton and District Historian 41 (1972), S. 10-11. permalink
  • The Letters of Arnulf of Lisieux, hg. v. Frank Barlow, London 1939. permalink KVK
  • Christopher N. L. - G. - Susan Brooke - Keir - Reynolds: Henry I's Charter for the City of London, in: Journal of the Society of Archivists 4:7 (1973), S. 558-578. permalink
  • The English royal chancery in the thirteenth century, in: Ecrit et pouvoir dans les chancelleries médiévales: Espace français, espace anglais. Actes du colloque international de Montréal, 7-9 septembre 1995. Ed. Kouky FIANU and DeLloyd J. GUTH, Louvain-la-Neuve 1997 (Textes et études du Moyen Age 6), S. 25-53. permalink
  • Pierre Chaplais: The original charters of Herbert and Gervase, abbots of Westminster (1121-1157), in: Essays in Medieval Diplomacy and Administration. By Pierre Chaplais (1981), S. Essay XVIII:89-110. permalink
  • Christopher Robert Cheney: English Bishop's Chanceries 1100-1250, Manchester 1950. permalink KVK
  • Christopher R Cheney, W.H. Semple: Selected Letters of Pope Innocent iii Concerning England (1198-1216), London-Edinburgh 1953. permalink KVK
  • C.Paul Christianson: Memorials of the Book Trade in Medieval London. The Archives of old London Bridge, Cambridge 1987 (Manuscript Studies 3). permalink KVK

  • CHRISTIANSON,C.Paul: MEMORIALS OF THE BOOK TRADE IN MEDIEVAL LONDON. The archives of Old London Bridge. Cambridge 1987 S66,Taf33 permalink KVK
  • Sarah J. Clackson: The Michaelides manuscript collection, in: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 100 (1994), S. 223-226. permalink
  • Barbara L. Craig, A Guide to historical records in hospitals in London, England, and Ontario, Canada 1800-1950. Part 1: An Overview of the Continuities and Changes in the Content an the Forms of Records, in: Canadian Bulletin of Medicin History 8/2 (1991) , S. 263-287. permalink
  • Barbara L. Craig: The Role of Records and Record-keeping in the Development of the Modern Hospital in London, England, and Ontario, Canada 1890-1940, in: Bulletin of the History of Medicine 65/3 (1991) , S. 376-397. permalink
  • Anne Crawford: The charter of Shiryngton's Chantry in the chapel of St. Margaret, Uxbridge, 1459, in: Journal of the Society of Archivists 4:7 (1973), S. 588-592. permalink
  • E. Crowfoot, F. Pritchard u. K. Staniland: Textiles and Clothes c. 1150-c.1450. Medieval Findings from the Excavations in London, London 1992. permalink KVK
  • Michel Destombe: Deux chartes de l'abbaye du Lieu-Dieu conservées au British Museum (1191 et 1207), in: Bulletin trimestriel de la Société des antiquaires de Picardie 1 (1976), S. 202-218. permalink
  • A. I. Doyle: The Production of Copies of the Canterbury Tales and the Confessio Amantis in the Early Fifteenth Century, in: Medieval Scribes, Manuscripts & Libraries : Essays presented to N.R. Ker, hrsg. v. M.B Parkes and Andrew G. Watson. -London, 1979. -S. 163-210 (o.J.). permalink
  • Two Saxon land grants for Queenhithe, in: Collectanea londoniensia. Studies in London Archaeology and History Presented to Ralph Merrifield. Ed. Joanna BIRD, Hugh CHAPMAN and John CLARK., London 1978 (London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, Special Papers 2), S. 200-215. permalink
  • The Medieval Household Daily Living c.1150-c.1450, hg. v. Geoff Egan, with contributions by Justine Bayley, Nigel Blades, Jane Brenan,Jackie Keily, Lynne Keys, Cath Mortimer, Jacqui Pearce, Angela Wardle, 2. Aufl., Woodbridge u. Rochester NY 2010 (Medieval Finds from Excavations in London 6). permalink KVK

  • Geoff Egan: Material culture in London in an age of transition. Tudor and Stuart period finds c1450-c1700 from excavations at riverside sites in Southwark, London 2005 (MoLAS monograph 19). permalink KVK
  • Geoff Egan: A group of seals found at Bankside from St. Gallen linens or fustians, in: Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society 31 for 1980 (1981), S. 116-118. permalink
  • William Eisler: Jean Dassier, medal engraver. Geneva, Paris and London, 1700 - 1733, Lausanne 2002 (Cahiers romands de numismatique 7). permalink KVK
  • E. Ekwall, The Population of Medieval London, Lond 1956. permalink KVK
  • E. Ekwall, Street Names of the City of London, Oxford 1954. permalink KVK
  • E. Ekwall, Two Early London Subsidy Rolls, Lund 1951. permalink KVK
  • ERLER,Mary Carpenter: Syon Abbey's Care for Books: its Sacristans Account Rolls 1506/7-1535/6. in: Scriptorium Bd.39(1985)S.293-307 permalink
  • GARAND-ZOBEL,Monique: Lettres echangees entre Francois Ier et ses ambassadeurs a Londres (aout-octobre 1518). in: BECh Bd.112(1954)S.104-125 permalink
  • GROSS,Micaela: DIE HERMANN VON HELMARSHAUSEN ZUGESCHRIEBENEN BÜCHER. Hauptseminar Rück WS1986/87:Das Evangeliar Heinrichs des Loewen Marburg 1987 S19 permalink KVK
  • Florence E. Harmer: Anglo-Saxon Writs, Manchester 1952. permalink KVK

  • Paul D. A. Harvey: Seals and the dating of documents, in: Dating Undated Medieval Charters, hg. v. Michael Gervers, Woodbridge, Suffolk 2000, S. 207-210. permalink
  • Gerald A. J. Hodgett: The cartulary of Holy Trinity, Aldgate, in: London Record Society Publications 7 (1971), S. unpag.. permalink
  • HOLT,J.C.: The Assizes of Henry II:the Texts Oxford 1971,The Study of Medieval Records s.085-106 permalink
  • Walther Holtzmann: Papsturkunden in England, Bd. 3: Oxford, Cambridge, kleiner Bibliotheken und Archive und Nachträge aus London, Göttingen 1952 (Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen : Philologisch-historische Klasse 3,33). permalink KVK
  • Papsturkunden in England, bearb. v. Walther Holtzmann, Bd. 1. Bibliotheken und Archive in London, Berlin 1930 (Abhandlungen der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen : Philologisch-historische Klasse N.F. 25). permalink KVK
  • Angela Ling Huang u. Carsten Jahnke: Bermudadreieck Nordsee. Drei Hamburger Schiffe auf dem Weg nach London, in: Hansische Geschichtsblätter 130 (2012), S. 59-91. permalink
  • Warden's Accounts and Court Minute Books of the Goldsmiths' Mistery of London, 1334-1446, bearb. v. Lisa Jefferson, Woodbridge 2003. permalink KVK
  • Wardens' Accounts and Court Minute Books of the Goldsmiths' Mistery of London, 1334-1446, bearb. v. Lisa Jefferson, Woodbridge 2003. permalink KVK
  • Jefferson, Lisa : The medieval account books of the mercers of London. An edition and translation, Farnham u.a. o.J.. permalink KVK
  • KEHL,Petra: DIE SCHREIBSCHULE DER ABTEI HELMARSHAUSEN. Hauptseminar Rück WS1986/87:Das Evangeliar Heinrichs des Loewen Marburg 1987 S27 permalink KVK

  • Ekkehard Krüger: Die Schreib- und Malwerkstatt der Abtei Helmarshausen bis in die Zeit Heinrichs des Löwen, 3 Bde, Darmstadt 1972 (Quellen und Forschungen zur hessischen Geschichte 21). permalink KVK
  • Christian D. Liddy: The estate of merchants in the Parliament of 1381, in: Historical Research: (formerly Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research) 74:185 (2001), S. 331-345. permalink
  • Herbert Hope Lockwood: One thing leads to another -- the discovery of additional charters of Barking Abbey, in: Essex Journal 25:1 (1990), S. 11-13. permalink
  • Emma Mason: Westminster Abbey and the monarchy between the reigns of William I and John (1066-1216), in: Journal of Ecclesiastical History 41:2 (1990), S. 199-216. permalink
  • John McEwan: The politics of financial accountability: auditing the chamberlain in London, c. 1298-1349, in: Hiérarchie des pouvoirs, délégation de pouvoir et responsabilité des administrateurs dans l'Antiquité et au Moyen âge, hg. v. Agnès Bérenger u. Frédérique Lachaud, Actes du colloque de Metz, (Université Paul-Verlaine), 16 - 18 juin 2011, Metz 2012, Metz 2012 (Centre de Recherche Universitaire Lorrain d'Histoire, site de Metz 46), S. 253-270. permalink
  • Linne R. Mooney u. Estelle Stubbs: Scribes and the City. London Guildhall Clerks and the Dissemination of Middle English Literature, 1375-1425, Woodbridge 2013 (Manuscript Culture in the British Isles). permalink KVK
  • Falko Neininger: English Episcopal Acta, Bd. 15: London 1075 - 1187, Oxford 1999. permalink KVK
  • OSLEY.A.S., BEAUCHESNE,John de: John de Beauchesne and the first English Writing-books(ca.1540-1620), with extract of: A Booke containing divers sortes of hands,London 1570, Peter Bales:The Writing Schoolemaster,London 1590, in:SCRIBES AND SOURCES. London-Boston 1980,Osley:Scribes & Sources S.226-241,Abb permalink
  • H. Richardson: Henry I's Charter to London, in: EHR 42 (2000), S. 7, p. 80ff.. permalink
  • Catalogue of Dated and Datable Manuscripts c.888-1600 in London Libraries, hg. v. Pamela R. Robinson, 2 Bde., London 2003. permalink KVK

  • D.J. Rowe: The London Working Men's Association and the 'People's Charter', in: Past and Present 36 (1989), S. 73ff.. permalink
  • P.H. Sawyer: Anglo-Saxon Charters. An annotated list and bibliography, London 1968 (Royal Historical Society / Guides and Handbooks 8). permalink KVK
  • Brian Spencer: Medieval seal-dies recently found at London, in: Antiquaries' Journal: Journal of the Society of Antiquaries of London 64:2 (1984), S. 376-382. permalink
  • Mathias Tranchant: Le navire médiéval à travers les sceaux, in: Revue française d'héraldique et de sigillographie 64 (1994), S. 115-133. permalink
  • Andrew Wareham: The unpopoularity of the hearth tax and the social geography of London in 1666, in: EHR 70,2 (2017), S. 452-482. permalink
  • C. Warren Hollister: London's first charter of liberties: is it genuine?, in: JMH 6 (1980), S. 289-306. permalink
  • Andrew R. Wines: The University of Life and the London Charter-house. Practical Experience versus Scholarly Attainment within the Carthusian Leadership, in: The Church and Learning in Later Medieval Society. Essays in Honour of R.B. Dobson, hg. v. Caroline M. BARRON; Jenny STRATFORD (eds.), Donington 2002 (Harlaxton Medieval Studies, N.S., 11), S. 100-109. permalink