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15 Treffer

  • J.J.G Alexander: Scribes as artists. The arabesque initial in twelfth-century English manuscripts, in: Medieval scribes, London 1978, S. 87-116. permalink
  • Frank Barlow: English Episcopal Acta, Bd. XII: Exeter, 1186 - 1257, Oxford 1995. permalink KVK
  • Frank Barlow: English Episcopal Acta, Bd. XI: Exeter, 1046 - 1184, Oxford 1995. permalink KVK
  • David W. Blake: An original bull of Pope Eugenius III, 7th February 1146, in: Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries: A Journal Devoted to the Local History, Archaeology, Biography and Antiquities of the Counties of Devon and Cornwall 34:8 (1981), S. 207-211. permalink
  • Pierre Chaplais: The authenticity of the royal Anglo-Saxon diplomas of Exeter, in: Essays in Medieval Diplomacy and Administration. By Pierre Chaplais (1981), S. Essay XV:1-34. permalink
  • Christopher Robert Cheney: English Bishop's Chanceries 1100-1250, Manchester 1950. permalink KVK
  • Christopher R Cheney, W.H. Semple: Selected Letters of Pope Innocent iii Concerning England (1198-1216), London-Edinburgh 1953. permalink KVK
  • John Cherry: The silver seal of Thomas Dene, prior of St. James in Exeter, in: Devon Archaeological Society Proceedings 41 (1983), S. 138-139. permalink
  • Muriel E. Curtis: A Note on the Dating of an Exeter Charter, in: EHR 45 (2000), S. 0, p. 290ff.. permalink

  • Charles Insley: Charters and episcopal scriptoria in the Anglo-Saxon South-West, in: Early Medieval Europe 7:2 (1998), S. 173-197. permalink
  • POPE,John C.: Palaeography and poetry:some solved and unsolved problems of the Exeter Book.Part 1:The range of losses.Part 2:"The Husband's Message":A crucialreading,an attempted restoration and some related problems. London 1978,Medieval scribes S.025-065,Taf4 permalink
  • Susan Reynolds: The forged charters of Barnstaple, in: Ideas and Solidarities of the Medieval Laity: England and Western Europe. By Susan REYNOLDS (Variorum Collected Studies Series, 495) (1995), S. Essay XII:699-720. permalink
  • O. F. Robinson: The Register of Walter Bronescombe, Bishop of Exeter, 1258 - 1280, Bd. 1, Woodbridge1995 (The Canterbury and York Society 82) permalink KVK
  • RUMBLE,Alexander R.: The Palaeography of the Domesday Manuscripts. London 1985,Sawyer:Domesday Book S.028-049,Abb5 permalink
  • Les douanes municipales d'Exeter (Devon). Publication des rôles de 1381 à 1433, bearb. v. Henri Touchard, Paris masch. 1967. permalink