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13 Treffer

  • Two charters of king Suebred of Essex, in: An Essex Tribute: Essays Presented to Frederick G. Emmison as a Tribute to his Life and Work for Essex History and Archives. Ed. Kenneth NEALE, London 1987, S. 85-96. permalink
  • Pierre Chaplais: The letter from Bishop Wealdhere of London to Archbishop Brihtwold of Canterbury. The earliest original 'letter close' extant in the West, in: Medieval scribes, London 1978, S. 3-23. permalink
  • FINBERG,H.P.R.: THE EARLY CHARTERS OF THE WEST MIDLANDS. 2.Aufl. Leicester 1972 S263,Studies in Early English History Bd.02,Karte permalink KVK
  • Michael Gervers: The Cartulary of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem in England, Part 2: Prima Camera: Essex, Oxford 1996 (Records of Social and Economic History N.S. 223). permalink KVK
  • Michael Gervers: The textile industry in late 12th and 13th century Essex. a study based on occupational names in charter sources, in: Essex Archaeology and History: Transactions of the Essex Archaeological Society 20 (1989), S. 34-73. permalink
  • Cyril Hart: The Mersea charter of Edward the Confessor, in: Essex Archaeology and History: Transactions of the Essex Archaeological Society ser.3,12 for 1980 (1981), S. 94-102. permalink
  • Cyril Hart: The early charters of Essex, in: Occasional Papers in English Local History 10, Leicester 1971, S. 1-55. permalink
  • Cyril Hart: The Early Charters of Essex, Leicester 1971 ( 10). permalink KVK
  • HART,C.R.: THE EARLY CHARTERS OF EASTERN ENGLAND. Leicester 1966 S280,Studies in Early English History Bd.05 permalink KVK

  • Peter Huggins: Nazeingbury 20 years on, or 'where did the royal ladies go?', in: London Archaeologist 8:4 (1996), S. 105-111. permalink
  • Herbert Hope Lockwood: One thing leads to another -- the discovery of additional charters of Barking Abbey, in: Essex Journal 25:1 (1990), S. 11-13. permalink
  • L.R. Poos: A rural society after the Black Death: Essex 1350-1525, New York 1991 (Cambridge Studies in Population, Economy and Society in Past Time 18). permalink KVK
  • VAN DER MEER,Gay: Some Unpublished Anglo-Saxon Coins in the Berlin Coin Cabinet. in:DONA NUMISMATICA.Walter Haevernick zum 23.Januar 1965 dargebracht. Hamburg 1965,Festschr.W.Haevernick S.067-071,Taf1 permalink